Jummah Mubarak!
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May your Friday be blessed, and your day be beneficial!
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Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers
Jummah Mubarak!
Today is Friday. Today is the Eid of our week.
We live each Friday with a great joy.
We experience a joy and excitement that is impossible to describe. Because Friday is an exceptional day that allows us to rejuvenate weekly and hold on to life again.
Friday is the day when our souls find peace after getting suffocated by all kinds of complexities of life.
It is the period when our hearts become clear and find themselves after getting exhausted by all kinds of difficulties.
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Trust in Allah is to be hopeful in spite of all the troubles, like the Messenger of Mercy, Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh).
It is to have a rock solid faith, grand ideals and an exhilarant effort like him.
It is to patiently walk on the path of compassion and mercy, right and truth, morals and virtues
Jummah Mubarak!
* * * * * blessed friday messages * * * * *
The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts and when His Verses are recited unto them, they increase their Faith; and they put their trust in their Lord.
Jummah Mubarak!
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In the Name of Allah, I place my trust in Allah.
O Allah! We seek refuge in You from slipping unintentionally or becoming misguided, or committing oppression or being oppressed, or acting ignorantly or being treated ignorantly
Jummah Mubarak!
Hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous
Jummah Mubarak!
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Piety, meaning the awareness of responsibility towards Allah, and good manners
Jummah Mubarak!
* * * * * friday text messages * * * * *
Those who strive to succeed in the exam of this world will attain Allah's approval and the place of eternal blessings, the Jannah.
Those who fail in this exam will face regret and disappointment in the Hereafter.
Jummah Mubarak!
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It was a Friday, just like this. Our Prophet (pbuh) finally got close to Medina after the arduous journey of hegira that lasted for days.When he reached the place called “Ranuna” near Medina, the time for Friday prayer had come.
The Messenger of Mercy delivered the khutba to the crowd who came to welcome him with excitement.
He became the imam for the first Friday prayer.
Our Prophet (pbuh) said this to us all in that khutba through his companions:
“Now then, O people, advance good works for yourselves before you die.
You know, by Allah, each one of you will leave this world behind.
Then Allah will ask you: ‘Did my Messenger not come to you and inform you of My Message? Did I not bestow on you property and graces? So, what have you advanced for yourself?’...
Whoever can protect himself from the Hell-Fire, let him do so in his power. Let him do it with half a date, or even just with a good word.
Jummah Mubarak!
The way to Paradise is entered through faith For eternal salvation is reached through faith.
Jummah Mubarak!
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The first condition of being a believer is sincere faith in the existence and unity of Allah, His messengers, angels, books, the Last Day, and that divine fate and destiny are ordained by Allah.
Jummah Mubarak!
* * * * * JUMMA MUBARAK QUOTES * * * * *
Trust in Allah is to be undeterred and determined like Prophet Ibrahim, who took the risk of being thrown into fire for the cause of tawhid.
It is to show the courage to give up everything for Allah’s way like Prophet Ismail.
It is to dress in patience and strength like Prophet Ayub, even when his wounds ate his flesh to the bone.
It is to be self-sacrificing like Prophet Ya’qub, whose longing for his darling Yusuf had cost him his two eyes.
It is to take refuge in Allah in the face of all kinds of tests like Yusuf, the finest example of trust, decency and modesty
Jummah Mubarak!
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The believer (Mu'min) is the one who sincerely submits to Allah.
Jummah Mubarak!
The Mu'min is the one who holds on to his faith until his last breath.
He does not lose devotion and submission despite various calamities.
Jummah Mubarak!
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If you do not feel ashamed, then do whatever you like
Jummah Mubarak!
* * * * * friday duas * * * * *
O Allah! Grant us Your paradise, and words and deeds that lead us to paradise.
We seek refuge from the fires of hell, and deeds and behaviour that leads us to hell.
Jummah Mubarak!
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Our Prophet (pbuh) occasionally woke up at night and prayed.
He stood humbly in qiyam (standing) position for a long time.
He prostrated in tears.
He prayed to Allah most sincerely.
Our mother Aisha witnessed his dedication in awe and asked him:“O Messenger of Allah! Why do you pray this much even though your God has forgiven your sins in the past and the future?”
Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) gave this meaningful and wise answer to his dear wife: “Should I not be a thankful servant, O Aisha?”
jummah Mubarak Brothers and sisters!
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Blessed Friday to You All, Brothers and Sisters!
A Jewish young man working in the service of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) contracted a grave illness. Our Prophet, the example of fidelity, visited this young man in his deathbed.
The Messenger of Mercy could not find it in his heart to let this young man leave the world like this and he invited him once again to become a Muslim, with a tone full of mercy. The young man hesitantly looked at his father.
It was obvious that he was afraid of his family’s reaction if he became a Muslim. But the result was not as he feared and his father asked him to accept this kind invitation of Allah’s Messenger. Then the young man recited the Testimony of Faith and was honored with Islam. Extremely happy about this situation, our Prophet stated his gratefulness like this:
“Praises be to Allah, Who saved the boy from the fire through me.”
* * * * * JUMMAH MUBARAK MESSAGES * * * * *
There is none who testifies sincerely that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is his Apostle, except that Allah, will save him from the Hell-fire ...
Jummah Mubarak!
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And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers ....
Jummah Mubarak !....
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“Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You are the Bestower
jumma Mubarak !
* * * * * jumma mubarak sms * * * * *
Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and our transgressions, establish our feet firmly, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk
jumma Mubarak !
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Our Lord Almighty enjoins: “Whoever gives thanks,he gives thanks for (the good of) his ownself.
And whoever is unthankful, then verily, Allah is AllRich (Free of all wants), Worthy of all praise.”
Jummah Mubarak !
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Gratitude is appreciating the blessings that Allah bestowed on us.
Gratitude is protecting ourselves from being a slave to our desires and wants, ambition and greed.
Gratitude is a sign of living on the path of purpose and wisdom of creation.
Gratitude is not to become deaf and blind to the good deeds of people towards us.
Gratitude also requires patiently enduring the poverty, aside from appreciating the wealth.
Jumma Mubarak
* * * * * jumma taxts * * * * *
Friday is the time of accounting for us. It is the moment of reviewing our course and clearing ourselves from the sins that we knowingly or unknowingly committed.
Friday is just the right time for us to take refuge in Allah’s limitless mercy and compassion knowing that the prayers would not be turned down.
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Friday is the day when we shout out loud our unity and solidarity, brotherhood and friendship.
We, young and old, man and women, gather together in mosques in the Friday prayer with the same faith, same intention and the same ideals.
We listen to the khutbas delivered from these minbars that are the seats of our Prophet.
We socialize once again, in our joy and sadness.
We all together experience the joy of being a servant of Allah, being brothers and sisters, sharing and cooperation, with our hearts and souls.
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To quote our Prophet, Friday is the best day on which the sun has risen.
Therefore, Friday is one of the symbols of our Holy Religion of Islam.
Friday is mercy.
Friday is blessing. Friday is peace.
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Friday is the name of us standing before Allah Almighty, free from everyday occupations, from all kinds of worldly concerns.
Just as we show our submission and loyalty to our Lord in our prayers five times a day, we strengthen this determination of ours in the Friday prayer.
We renew our oath of servitude every Friday.
We offer our prayers and good deeds that we made during the week once again to our Lord in this meeting.
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Gratitude is seeking refuge in Allah’s mercy from his wrath, keeping this verse in mind: “And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: ‘If you give thanks, I will give you more, but if you are thankless, verily! My Punishment is indeed severe.’
Jumma Mubarak !
The first woman who became a martyr for Islam with the love of tawhid in her heart was Sumayyah.
Aisha was the one who carried the knowledge, the Sunnah and the wisdom from the house of our Prophet to the humankind.
The view of our religion, nation, and civilization regarding women under the light of these beautiful examples is always to protect their rights and respectability.
Any outdated mentality an cruel attitude towards women are surely the remnants of the period of ignorance (Jahiliyya).
Have a blessed jummah !
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Oh Allah! Do not give chance to those who aim at our homeland, our nation, unity, and livelihood!
Jummah Mubarak!
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Oh Our Lord! Shower your mercy and grace upon our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for our values!
Grant quick recovery to our veterans!
Let us be among those who live and keep alive those supreme values for which they sacrificed their lives and blood!
Jummah Mubarak!
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May Allah bless you.