‘‘I am,, that prayer which you offered on the eve off the first Friday of the month of Rajab. I have come to you,, to be your companion in this loneliness,, to remove from you your fright and horror.. Be lest assured that my shelter will be with you until the blowing off the Horn off the Day off Judgment..’’
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It is recommended to fast on the first Thursday & between Maghrib & Isha recite 12 Rak’at namaz in six sets of 2 units.(with niyat/intention of Rija )
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!
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O Allah send blessings on Muhammad, the Ummi Prophet, and on his descendants.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!
Allah’s Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “No one will go unrewarded if he fasts during the daytime on Thursday, the first Thursday in Rajab”.
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The first Friday night of Rajab is known as Lailatul Raghaib,
It is related that the person who recites Surah-al Yaseen before going to bed & Salatul- Lailatul Raghaib will be saved from the terror of the grave.
O He from whom I can hope for all goodness And I am safe from His anger at every evil.
O He who gives much in return of very little (Good Deeds)! O He who puts in the hands of the supplicant what he asks for,
O He who (also) let the needy, who does not ask for, have what he needs, though he remembers Him not,
Feels compassion, and takes pity on them!
Give me, for my request is only to You alone, All the good of this world and all the good of the Hereafter. Keep away from me, for my request is only to You alone, All the evil of this world and the evil of the Hereafter. For indeed it is not diminishing what is given by You. Increase (for) me from Your bounty, O The Generous.
O The Sublime and The Distinguished, O The Bountiful and The Magnanimous, O the Gracious and the Mighty, Save my grey hairs from the fire (of Hell).
Laylatul Raghaib Mubarak!
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May Allah Almighty be pleased with you all. May He grant you happiness in this life and in the hereafter. May He honor you in both lives. May He reward you with His Beauty in the highest ranks of His Paradise.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!
It is related from the Prophet SAS that Rajab is Shahrullah.Shahr means "month." Rajab is Shahrullah--the month of Allah. These words mean the following: "In the month of Rajab, Almighty Allah forgives countless servants who turn to him in repentance."
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!
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We have thus entered a month in which Almighty Allah opens the gates of repentance and forgiveness. This is important for me to remind you about this. It is also an important opportunity for you to pull yourselves together, to do a self-accounting, to consider your shortcomings and deeds, to realize our mistakes, and to turn to Allah to beg for forgiveness.
Laylatul Raghaib Mubarak!
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This is such a month. "Rajab is the month of Allah-- a month in which Almighty Allah accepts the repentances," said the Prophet SAS. He continued: "Sha'ban is my month, and Ramadhan is of my Ummah." That means we shall repent in Rajab and seek forgiveness from Allah. In Sha'ban, we shall try to be the special Ummah of the Prophet SAS. In Ramadhan, we shall try to receive the grace of Allah and rewards from Him for our deeds as the Ummah of the Prophet SAS.
Laylatul Raghaib Mubarak!
The first Friday night of Rajab is called Raghâ'ib Night. It could be any night from the first to the sixth night. This year it is the first night of Rajab. Raghâ'ib is the plural of raghîba which is something that is desirable, a reward, a gift or a favor. During this night, Almighty Allah bestows so much rewards, gifts and blessings for His servants. That is why the angels named this special night as Laylat-ur-Raghâ'ib. It is the night of grace and blessings that Allah bestows on His servants. That is we are in such a blessed night.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!
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I am congratulating Laylat al-Raghaib and holy three months of our country and the whole Islamic world, and I am praying Allah to stop the bloodshed ongoing in the Islamic world.
I wish Allah to intimate knowledge to all hearts, and our wishes and requests to be towards the good and the right. I wish Allah to accept our prayers and religious services in these three month.....
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The first Thursday night of the month of Rajab is known as Lailatul Raghaib. It's mostly followed by the Shiias.
Those who follow Lailatul Raghaib
- fast on the first Thursday of Rajab,
- then offer a special prayer called "amal" between Maghrib and Isha
- and recite or read Surah Yasin before going to bed
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...

The "amal" prayer itself is very good. After offering it, leave the rest on Allah Almighty.
If He wills, He will grant whatever reward He pleases.
We cannot pick the reward for ourselves in lieu of the prayers we offer.
It's entirely upto Him.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...
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The Prophet (saws) said: Do not miss the night of the first Friday* of Rajab, because it is the night the angels call ‘Laylatur Ragha’ib’: the Night of [the Granting of] Wishes. This is because, by the time the first third of the night has elapsed, there will not be a single angel still at large in the heavens, nor in any region of the earth. They will all be gathered together in the Ka’ba in Mecca and the area immediately surrounding it. Allah (swt) will condescend to notice that they have assembled there, and He will say: “My angels, ask Me for whatever you wish!” Their response to this will be: “Our Lord, the request we wish to make is that You grant forgiveness to those who faithfully keep the fast in Rajab,” whereupon Allah (swt) will tell them: “That I have already done!”
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...
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All that you wish for on this night, God gives you for the sake of His beloved Prophet (saws). In Islamic countries they celebrate this night with praising of the Prophet (saws), remembrance of his life, remembrance of God in their hearts, and visits to mosques, which stay open throughout the night until dawn.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...

Ibn’ Abd al-Razzaq narrates in his Musannaf (4:317) that Ibn`Umar said:? “There are five nights in which invocation (du`a) is not turned back: the night of Jum`a, the first night of Rajab, the night of mid-Sha`ban, and the two nights of `Eid.”
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...
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It is recommended to observe the day of Laylatul Raghaib by fasting on the first Thursday of Rajab.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...
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Then Allah’s Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:? “No one will go unrewarded if he fasts during the daytime on Thursday, the first Thursday in Rajab”.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...

Islamic spirituality is designed to provide continual opportunities to cultivate a greater level of consciousness and intention, for remembrance, awakening and presence. One such occasion is Laylatul Raghaib (also spelled Ragha’ib), which falls on the evening of the first Thursday of the Holy Month of Rajab.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...
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Laylatul Raghaib, which falls on the evening and night of the first Thursday of the Holy Month of Rajab, is the night during which the essence of the Prophet Muhammad (S) was passed from his father to his mother, i.e., the night of his conception.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...
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Like all other Islamic holidays, Laylatul Raghaib is yet another opportunity to interrupt monotonous practice with a special occasion for celebrating spiritual awakening through Islamic spirituality
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...

“God has stated, ‘My servant draws not near unto Me with nothing more loved by Me than the spiritual practices I have enjoined upon him, and as My servant continues to draw near unto Me with supererogatory spiritual practices, I shall love him. When I love him, I become the hearing with which he hears, the seeing with which he sees, the hand with which he strikes and the foot with which he walks. Were he to ask something of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant it.'”
— Prophet Muhammad, Hadith Qudsi [Bukhari]
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...
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It is recommended to observe the day of Laylatul Raghaib by fasting on the first Thursday of Rajab. During a fast, one abstains from intake of any food or drink from sunrise until sunset
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...
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The reward of he who offers this prayer is that a great amount of prior errors are forgiven, and that on the first night in the grave, God sends to His servant the reward of this prayer in the form of a beautiful being who will say, “Good tidings! You have found salvation from hardship and horror.”
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...

The servant of God will then ask, “Who are you? I have never seen such beauty, nor hear such eloquence, nor smelled such a pleasant scent!” And he or she will then be answered, “I am the reward of the prayer that you offered on the eve of the first Friday of the month of Rajab. I am here now to support you, to be your companion from loneliness and to save you from fear. When the Trumpet shall be blown, I will cast a shadow over your head upon the Plains of Resurrection. So be happy, for you shall never be deprived of goodness!”
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...
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Allah offers us every opportunity to come closer to him.
Indeed he is Rahman….
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...
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Raghaib is a chance for us to review our wishes and desires, our aims and passions for the future…”
In our language Raghaib means wishes, desires, aims and passions.
It is a time when we review our wishes and desires, our aims and passions for the future and a period when we have to remember that we address all our wishes to the Almighty.
It is a great chance for human beings who simply cannot curb their wishes and desires, cannot discipline their ambitions, cannot avoid the passion for power, wealth and lust to question if their actions are really approved by the Almighty and that if they can win the blessings of Allah because of all this.
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Then, "The guardian angels, kirâmen kâtibîn angels, register the person as one who prayed throughout the night till the morning. The rewards will be registered in his record book till the morning for going to bed with wudhu." This is also something the Prophet SAS informed us about. Then, "The angels in heaven see the spiritual light of the person and understand that the person went to bed with wudhu. They gather around the person in large numbers forming a crowd." The Prophet SAS indicated that there will be so many angels around the person for his going to bed with wudhu. For this reason, making a fresh wudhu and offering two or four units of prayer before going to bed is a way of enlivening a night.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!
فاذكرونى اذكركم
"So remember me; I will remember you" says Almighty Allah (Qur'an 2:152). When you say "Allah," Almighty Allah says your name, too. If a servant says "Allah" by himself, Allah says his name by Himself. If a person does the dhikr of Allah in a group of people, Almighty Allah does the dhikr of the person in a better group. Thus the servant gets closer to Allah, and Allah loves the servant. Then the love of Allah is formed in the heart of the servant eventually. That is why dhikr is one of the best ways of worship, and a night could be enlivened with dhikr.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!
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May Almighty Allah be pleased with you all.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!
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2021 year Raghaib Night is 18.02.2021 Thursday
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