I see the stars shining beautifully in the sky and I touch my heart only for me to I see your love even brighter in me than countless of them. Your love rocks! Good night my love.
Dream touches your heart and soul. It is a magical memory that unites fantasy and reality. Hope you’ll have the sweetest dream tonight .. Good Night ..
Touch your heart,
Close your eyes.
Make a wish,
Say goodnight.
Sky so wide, stars so bright, off the lights,
Sleep so tight.
* * * * *
Everyone sleeps at some point and as you sleep at this point remember this true and valid point to you my heart will forever point my love for you remains on point sweet dreams hope you got the point
Time to sleep, time to rest, switch off the light, lock your eyes and knock knock sweet dreams GOOD NI8
* * * * *
Go 2 bed, Off d light, Out of tension, Dreams come true, Sounds Sleeping, Awake early, Have a beautiful tomorrow. GOOD NI8
* * * * *
You are sleeping in a room flooded with moonlight, I wish I could hold you close and never let you go. Sweet dreams.
* * * * *
Just like yesterday when I found you. I never knew this love would grow this gorgeous! I owe you all of me for being with me till now. Good night.
I knew you were the very one for me when this started. Now I am reaping the fruit of that belief! I will love you a lifetime. Good night!
* * * * *
Liké ä......cÄndlè......in d därk..
. ' , ' .
. ( () ) .
" may d Love
" of GÖd shiné
"" in ür life
& kéèp ü safe always.
Sweet Dreams
* * * * *
Wash ur fce nd wash ur feet!
Now itz time 2 fall aslep.
U rs eyes r weak N mouth can't speak so hope tis nite shll b nice nd sweet.
Good Night..
* * * * *
There is something that is big, warm and fuzzy. Before you get too many ideas, you should know that it is a good night hug sent from me to you!
4 À Nice Frnd Nice Ni8
4 À Sweet Frnd Sweet Ni8
4 À Lòving Frnd Lòvely Ni8
4 À Heartly Frnd Heartly Ni8
4 À GòóD Frnd "GòóD Ni8
* * * * *
Wen éyes struggle 2 rémain open;
When mind shuts off completely;
It's a signal to renéw ur energy;
By sleéping and dréaming.
Gòód Night!! N Swéét Dreams!
* * * * *
I think the best way to get a good night sleep is to work hard throughout the day. If you work hard and, of course, work out. – William H. McRaven
* * * * *
What are you going to dream of tonight? This could end up being sweet depending on what their response is.
You are the light of my world.
You are my passion you are my dream girl.
Your voice is like a music in my heart.
You are the first thought of my day and
Last thought of night
you are the one and only for me and
I will never let you go
Good night my love!
See you in my dreams!
* * * * *
I hate the night because it takes you away from me, but the idea that in the morning we will meet again warms my heart. Sleep tight, my love.

Dream a dream tonight as you sleep;
Smile a smile tomorrow that you may keep;
May all of your dreams and wishes come true;
Because I couldn't find a better friend like you!
Good Night!...................good night sms for friend
* * * * *
when you MAKE a commitment, you create hope;
And when you KEEP a commitment, you create trust.
Good Night!
* * * * *
Baby U R on my mind day-night unusually.
Thinking N dreaming about U unexpectedly.
Just like sweet surprise.
Only an angle could be so bright.
Good Night
Begin the day with a light heart.
Let all your worries be swept aside at night.
Smile a moment and thank God for every moment
He cares for you all the way.
Good Night
* * * * *
If u ever feel lonely,
Look to the sky…
Always know that I’m somewhere beneath that sky wishing the best for U
Good night…sweet dreams!
* * * * *
Goodnight to you i say God bless you and I, I pray sweet dreams to you i say forever in my heart you'll stay
* * * * *
is a good time 2 Remember
all the sweet things
& all the sweet persons in Ur
So sleep well with Ur
Good Night
* * * * *
i could simply say goodnight and that would be just alright but for a star like you so bright I'll say it in a rhyme hope this sounds alright love you goodnight
This night ends all the troubles you’ve been through all day.
Just sleep it off. Good night.
* * * * *
Saying Good night is not a Formality or Due to free SMS,
Its the art of Saying that I remember you in my last minute of the Day...
Good Night!
* * * * *
If it's ever possible, I would make you stay in my heart forever - morning night and noon. I love you, Good night.
* * * * *
I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes! So I’ll think about you as I turn in for the night. Good Night!
* * * * *
The day is gone and it is time to close your beautiful eyes and dream of angels. You are the love of my life.
* * * * *
Girlfriends and Boyfriends will come and go in our life but true friends will forever with us.
Good Night my friends.
* * * * *
The biggest things for my life are my friends, they are always with me.
Good night my sweet friends.
* * * * *
Success is not measured that how big you are.
Our real success is that how many friends we have in our life, because a true friend always stands with us in every trouble.
Good Night My best friend.
* * * * *
As the thief was leaving the house,
the child woke up & said 2 the thief
"Take my school bag also, or else I'll wake up my mum".
Good Night !
* * * * *
Moon is happy and Sun is upset, why ? Because sun is missing you, And moon is gonna be with you, For the rest of the night, Have a great night !
* * * * *
* * * * *
I never deserved to be loved this much. Your love for me is more than what fate has brought. I can't just explain how great this is. Thanks for loving me.
Good night.
Good night my very special friend,
I pray you lay in rest,
And may tomorrow bring you
Much love and happiness.
Do not think of me...I'm in your eyes, in your heart
Good Night
* * * * *
My day won't certainly be over for I have something left to do.
I just couldn't sleep yet without saying I love you.
Good Night !
* * * * *
You are the last thing I think of before I go to bed each night.
* * * * *
Good night messages
Good night images
Sweet good night messages
Popular Good Night Quotes
Romantic Messages
Love Messages
Birthday Messages
Good Morning Messages
Funny Jokes
Dream touches your heart and soul. It is a magical memory that unites fantasy and reality. Hope you’ll have the sweetest dream tonight .. Good Night ..
Touch your heart,
Close your eyes.
Make a wish,
Say goodnight.
Sky so wide, stars so bright, off the lights,
Sleep so tight.
* * * * *
Everyone sleeps at some point and as you sleep at this point remember this true and valid point to you my heart will forever point my love for you remains on point sweet dreams hope you got the point
Time to sleep, time to rest, switch off the light, lock your eyes and knock knock sweet dreams GOOD NI8
* * * * *
Go 2 bed, Off d light, Out of tension, Dreams come true, Sounds Sleeping, Awake early, Have a beautiful tomorrow. GOOD NI8
* * * * *
You are sleeping in a room flooded with moonlight, I wish I could hold you close and never let you go. Sweet dreams.
* * * * *
Just like yesterday when I found you. I never knew this love would grow this gorgeous! I owe you all of me for being with me till now. Good night.
I knew you were the very one for me when this started. Now I am reaping the fruit of that belief! I will love you a lifetime. Good night!
* * * * *
Liké ä......cÄndlè......in d därk..
. ' , ' .
. ( () ) .
" may d Love
" of GÖd shiné
"" in ür life
& kéèp ü safe always.
Sweet Dreams
* * * * *
Wash ur fce nd wash ur feet!
Now itz time 2 fall aslep.
U rs eyes r weak N mouth can't speak so hope tis nite shll b nice nd sweet.
Good Night..
* * * * *
There is something that is big, warm and fuzzy. Before you get too many ideas, you should know that it is a good night hug sent from me to you!
4 À Nice Frnd Nice Ni8
4 À Sweet Frnd Sweet Ni8
4 À Lòving Frnd Lòvely Ni8
4 À Heartly Frnd Heartly Ni8
4 À GòóD Frnd "GòóD Ni8
* * * * *
Wen éyes struggle 2 rémain open;
When mind shuts off completely;
It's a signal to renéw ur energy;
By sleéping and dréaming.
Gòód Night!! N Swéét Dreams!
* * * * *
I think the best way to get a good night sleep is to work hard throughout the day. If you work hard and, of course, work out. – William H. McRaven
* * * * *
What are you going to dream of tonight? This could end up being sweet depending on what their response is.
You are the light of my world.
You are my passion you are my dream girl.
Your voice is like a music in my heart.
You are the first thought of my day and
Last thought of night
you are the one and only for me and
I will never let you go
Good night my love!
See you in my dreams!
* * * * *
I hate the night because it takes you away from me, but the idea that in the morning we will meet again warms my heart. Sleep tight, my love.

Dream a dream tonight as you sleep;
Smile a smile tomorrow that you may keep;
May all of your dreams and wishes come true;
Because I couldn't find a better friend like you!
Good Night!...................good night sms for friend
* * * * *
when you MAKE a commitment, you create hope;
And when you KEEP a commitment, you create trust.
Good Night!
* * * * *
Baby U R on my mind day-night unusually.
Thinking N dreaming about U unexpectedly.
Just like sweet surprise.
Only an angle could be so bright.
Good Night
Begin the day with a light heart.
Let all your worries be swept aside at night.
Smile a moment and thank God for every moment
He cares for you all the way.
Good Night
* * * * *
If u ever feel lonely,
Look to the sky…
Always know that I’m somewhere beneath that sky wishing the best for U
Good night…sweet dreams!
* * * * *
Goodnight to you i say God bless you and I, I pray sweet dreams to you i say forever in my heart you'll stay
* * * * *
is a good time 2 Remember
all the sweet things
& all the sweet persons in Ur
So sleep well with Ur
Good Night
* * * * *
i could simply say goodnight and that would be just alright but for a star like you so bright I'll say it in a rhyme hope this sounds alright love you goodnight
This night ends all the troubles you’ve been through all day.
Just sleep it off. Good night.
* * * * *
Saying Good night is not a Formality or Due to free SMS,
Its the art of Saying that I remember you in my last minute of the Day...
Good Night!
* * * * *
If it's ever possible, I would make you stay in my heart forever - morning night and noon. I love you, Good night.
* * * * *
I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes! So I’ll think about you as I turn in for the night. Good Night!
* * * * *
The day is gone and it is time to close your beautiful eyes and dream of angels. You are the love of my life.
* * * * *
Girlfriends and Boyfriends will come and go in our life but true friends will forever with us.
Good Night my friends.
* * * * *
The biggest things for my life are my friends, they are always with me.
Good night my sweet friends.
* * * * *
Success is not measured that how big you are.
Our real success is that how many friends we have in our life, because a true friend always stands with us in every trouble.
Good Night My best friend.
* * * * *
As the thief was leaving the house,
the child woke up & said 2 the thief
"Take my school bag also, or else I'll wake up my mum".
Good Night !
* * * * *
Moon is happy and Sun is upset, why ? Because sun is missing you, And moon is gonna be with you, For the rest of the night, Have a great night !
* * * * *
* * * * *
I never deserved to be loved this much. Your love for me is more than what fate has brought. I can't just explain how great this is. Thanks for loving me.
Good night.
Good night my very special friend,
I pray you lay in rest,
And may tomorrow bring you
Much love and happiness.
Do not think of me...I'm in your eyes, in your heart
Good Night
* * * * *
My day won't certainly be over for I have something left to do.
I just couldn't sleep yet without saying I love you.
Good Night !
* * * * *
You are the last thing I think of before I go to bed each night.
* * * * *
Good night messages
Good night images
Sweet good night messages
Popular Good Night Quotes
Romantic Messages
Love Messages
Birthday Messages
Good Morning Messages
Funny Jokes
good night have a coffee