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Some words can be left unsaid,some feeling can be left unexpressed but a person loke you can never be left un remembered on this occasion....Happy Eid Mubarak
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I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Eid. May Allah accept your good deeds, forgive your mistakes and ease the suffering of all people around the globe Eid Mubarak
May Allah this occasion flood your life with happiness,
u heart with love, u r soul with spiritual ,
ur mind with wisdom,
wishing u a very Happy Eid Mubarak
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I would like to congratulate the whole Muslim world for the Eid al-Adha.
May Allah's (swt) peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.
May this Eid al Fitr bring many beauties for all of us.
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I Wish A Wish 4 u. Its A Wish I Wish 4 Few. The Wish I Wish 4 u Is That All ur Wishes Come True.Wish u A Very ert "HApy EID DAY".I Also Wish, u Live Long Life & That "EID DAY" Will Come In ur Life 4 Hundread Time....
Remember Me In ur Prayers...
:-) Eid Mubarak
The moon has been sighted The samoosas are ready Here comes EID so just go steady Lots of dua"s is all i request and just wanted to wish you all the BEST!!!
"Eid Mubarak"
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Earth can forget rotating, Bird can forget flying, Candle can forget melting, Heart can forget beating but I’ll never forget to wish U “HAPPY EID MUBARAK"
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May Allah this occasion flood your life with happiness,
u heart with love, u r soul with spiritual ,
ur mind with wisdom,
wishing u a very Happy Eid Mubarak
Lonesome Without U,Each N Every Moments.When I Am Alone I Close My Eyes N Think Of U N Thoughts Of Ur Love Warms Me Inside N Makes Me Smile.Miss U A Lot.Eid Mubarak
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Look Outside... It's so pleasant! Sun Smiling For you... Trees Dancing for you... Birds singing for you...Because I requested them All to wish You
**..*EID MUBARAK*..**
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As you celebrate this holy occasion, you are wished the brightest moments that EID can bring, lots of love
and laughter to fill ur days with cheer and a New year that is sure to bring you, the best of everything

Thousands of candles can be lighted from one single candle. Happiness never decreases while being shared.
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May Allah this occasion flood your life with happiness,ur heart with love,ur soul with spirtual, ur mind with wisdom,wishing u a very Happy Eid Mubarik
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This Eid may God bring a lot of peace, prosperity and happiness to my Muslim brothers and sisters.
Wishing you smiles and all things nice. May this Eid bring all the comforts, you have ever wanted, and all the joy and laugher you have ever wished
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Network busy Number Busy No Signal Message not Send....That's what we'll see on Ist Day of "EID" So "HAPPY EID MUBARAK" before the rush start!
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May the angeles protect u.may the sadness forget u...may u live in peace 4 ever."EID MUBARAK"
Eid is a that day where all man share there happiness with other.so always smile.....
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Here comes the day,once in a blue moon.
With chanda mama shinin up bright
And blessing everyone… Her luv so tender, merciful.
Shinin down on the earth wishin us
“Happy eid”.”Eid mubarakh”
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As the candlelight flame,
Ur life may always be happiness' claim;
As the mountain high,
U move without sigh;
Like the white linen flair,
Purity is always an affair;
All darkness is far away,
Aslight is on its way;
Wish all of u a very Happy Eid Mubarak.
When the sun has set, and day is done-
I'll break this chain, but only one.
By the end of Ramadan, this whole chain will be all gone!
It's time for Eid and lots of fun!!!
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Wishing U a Very Very "HAPPY EID MUBARIK"Wid Luv And Best Wishes.. May That Eid Day Brings LOT of HAppiness And JOYS in ur LIFE. May u Live Long LIFE... And That EID day Will comes in UR life Hundrad Times...Remember me in ur prayers..
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May the magic of dis EID bring lots of happiness in ur life & may u celebrate it wid all ur close friendzzzzzz & may it fill ur HEART wid wonders (AAMIN)
Wishing you smiles and all things nice. May this Eid bring all the comforts, you have ever wanted, and all the joy and laugher you have ever wished
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Hope Love and Laugher, warmth, wishes, joy and a bouquet of Eid wishes, jubilations, become a part of your Eid and Your Life. Have a Happy Eid Mubarak.
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May this...
Eid bring Fun, Eid bring Happiness,
Eid bring God Endless Blessings,
Eid bring fresh love...
EID MUBARAK to You with all best wishes
O Allah! These sacrifices are your blessings and they are for your consent. Accept them from myself, from my family, and from my Ummah!
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For whoever is close to Him is close to truth. Whoever is close to Him is close to justice and mercy. Whoever is close to Him is away from the devil.
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We have left them behind altogether. Now, it is time to leave all that aside and get ready for the sacrifice, for the feast. Now, it is time to remember the closeness of Allah and remind that to one another. Now, it is time to get away from everything that keeps us away from Allah.
Say: ‘Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds.
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Our Prophet (pbuh) says in the hadith “A human does no action from the actions on the days of sacrifice feast more beloved to Allah then sacrifice…
Eid ul Fitr Mubarak!
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Our hearts are once again filled with the excitement of the sacrifice feast which helps us to spiritually get close to Allah Almighty and strengthen our brotherhood.
Endless praise and thanks be to our Almighty Lord who let us reach these blessed days.
Next Friday, we Muslims are going to observe the feast together.
With the delight of good deeds we obtained through our sacrifices and the joy of the feast, we will try to achieve our greatest desire together: the countenance of our Lord.
I wish for you Eid ul Fitr Mubarak!
Sacrifice is the search for being close to Allah Almighty. Sacrifice is the name of submission and loyalty, love and faithfulness, sacrifice and sharing.
Eid Al Fitr Mubarak !
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Sacrifice is a spiritual journey full of wisdom and lessons.
In this journey, we recall Habil and Qabil, the sons of Adam, who were tried for their sincerity and truthfulness.
Sincerity and modesty won, while insincerity and greed lost in this trial.
Because the condition of acceptance for all prayers sincerity and truthfulness.
Have a Happy Eid!
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The memory of Ibrahim and his son Ismail is embedded in the ritual of sacrifice as an example of loyalty and submission.
In this trial, Ibrahim and his beloved Ismail showed that anything that we have could be sacrificed on the path of Allah without hesitation.
From that day to this, the believers see the ultimate loyalty in Ibrahim and the ultimate submission in Ismail.
And indeed, there is the faithfulness, sacrifice and generosity of our Master Muhammad Mustapha (pbuh) in the ritual of sacrifice.
For his ummah, sacrifice has become the name of the trial for sharing, helping and being brothers and sisters.
Have a blessed Eid !
Our sacrifices get us close to our Lord while giving some meaning and profoundness to our humanity.
Sacrifice reminds us our responsibilities above all.
It helps us to review the values that we forget in the course of our daily lives and to patiently walk on the straight path.
Sacrifice actually implies that we should not be the prisoners of our desires and wants but climb the steps of servitude with sincerity.
Because our sacrifice is a statement of sincerity and servitude that we offer to our Lord.
Our Lord informs us about this truth with this verse: “Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you
Have a Happy Eid!
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Sacrifice is a demonstration of our awareness of helping and sharing on the path of Allah.
Sacrifice is putting a smile to the faces of the needy, the poor, the destitute and the desolate.
It is to share the joy of the feast with those who can’t observe the feast.
Sacrifice is getting close to our Lord, while also getting closer to our neighbors, relatives, kith and kin, in short to each other.
From this perspective, sacrifice is a touch of brotherhood, a helping hand that we extend towards our brothers whom we don’t know and never seen before, in so many countries that we don’t even know the name of.
Eid ul Fitr Mubarak!
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Just as salah, zakat and fasting; sacrifice is a distinctive ritual.
Just as helping the poor, desolate, the needy and doing good; sacrifice is a beautiful prayer.
This ritual has conditions and elements of its own.
The essential condition in sacrifice is that the person who has enough money or possessions must personally sacrifice the animal that meets the necessary conditions for the countenance of Allah.
Therefore, the ritual of sacrifice cannot be transformed to financial aid.
Have a blessed Eid ul Fitr!
I ask our Lord to let all of us reach the feast in peace and accept our sacrifices.
Have a blessed Eid ul Fitr!
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Well, are we ready to get close to our Lord with sacrifice? Are we committed to remove the whole distance? Are we making plans that will get us closer to our Lord and ourselves? Are we getting in touch with the poor, the wretched, and the immigrant with whom we will share the sacrifice?
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Assalatu wassalamu alaika Ya Rasool Allah!
Assalatu wassalamu alaika Ya Habeeb Allah!
Assalatu wassalamu alaika Ya Sayyid al Awwalin wal Akhirin
Praise and thanks be to our Lord Almighty who granted us such a joyful Eid.
Eid Mubarak to You All!
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Our Prophet sacrificed his animals with the prayer in the hadith on an Eid like this one:
“O Allah! These sacrificial animals are your blessings and they are for your countenance.
Accept my sacrifice and my family’s and ummah’s sacrifices!
Have a blessed Eid ul Fitr!
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We are once again having the peace and happiness of reaching Eid al-Adha, the days of joy and excitement, once again.
Eid al-Adha brings us each year one of the five fundamental prayers in Islam, namely the ritual of hajj.
It offers us the ritual of sacrifice as a means of getting closer to our Lord.
The Eid reminds us again the loyalty of Ibrahim and the submission of Ismail.
It brings once again the image of our Master Muhammad Mustapha’s (pbuh) faithfulness, generosity and his firm stand as a believer and his exemplary life right before our eyes.
Have a blessed Eid ul Adha!
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Eid al-Adha is the Eid of peace, well-being, brotherhood, unity and solidarity.
It is the Eid of those who set aside all differences and reached unity in abundance, those who know themselves and their Lord, those who contemplate and consider and those who submit themselves to their Lord with sincerity.
It is the Eid of those who cleared their mind of evil, cleaned their heart from spiritual stains and those who refrain from all sins.
It is the Eid of those who discipline their desires, those who hurt no living being and those who strive to be trustworthy.
This is the Eid of those who dress in patience and praise, those who live a life in accordance with the reason and purpose of our existence.
This is the Eid of those who keep our values alive; those who get close to the poor, lonely, orphan and desolate, and those who are the help to the helpless.
Have a happy Eid!
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Eids are times when we should get even closer to our Lord and each other.
Eids are the days where feelings of unity and solidarity, sharing and helping are at their peak.
Eids are the days where we should remember that everything is a trial in this journey of life where there are both happiness and sadness.
So come! Let us put a smile on the faces of our parents, our spouses and children, our brothers and sisters and our neighbors.
Let us carry the joy of Eid to the lonely, desolate, poor, destitute and elderly. Let us mend and repair broken hearts with the blessings and beauties of the Eid.
Let us end the resentments, hard feelings and conflicts today that put a shadow over our brotherhood and joy of Eid.
Let us not forget that each gift we give in this Eid will get us closer to our Lord’s countenance.
The most beautiful gift we could give in this Eid is a sincere salutation from our hearts, our earnest prayers, and our smiles and visits.
Have a blessed Eid ul Adha!
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I wish a blessed Eid to our honorable nation, our people abroad, all our brothers and sisters in the region of our hearts and the realm of Islam.
I ask our Lord Almighty for the acceptance of your sacrifices, the acceptance of the hajj of all our brothers and sisters, forgiveness of our sins and a happy Eid
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The heart finds it’s beloved, let it be this Eid!
The servant finds his sultan, let it be this Eid!
Gloom and sorrow be gone, curtain of the heart be lifted!
All sins be forgiven, let it be this Eid!
Missing you a lot on this Eid. Wishing you were here to celebrate this holy occasion with me .Happpppy Eid Mubarik
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May Allah bless you on this auspicious May Allah bless you on this auspicious day of Eid, and May it be a new beginning of greater prosperity
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Eid Mubarak Sms
Everyone Sent U ..
Tradition Words About Eid ..
But I m The FIRst One..
And Keep On Eating ..
Different Dishes ..
On This Season..
*Happy EiD Mubarak*
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May God send his Love like Sunshine
in his warm and gentle ways
to fill every corner of your Heart
and filled your Life with a lot of
Happiness like this EID DAY.
Wishing you EID MUBARAK.
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Eid is a wonderful day
To Pray
To Love
To Care
To Smile
To Relax
And to thank Allah for His benevolence!
Happy Eid ul-Adha!
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May you be guided by
your faith in Allah
shine in his divine blessings!
Eid Mubarak
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Of all the days to celebrate
this out shines the rest,
Here is hoping that
this EID is happiest and best
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The occasions of eid are the days of forgiving and embracing one another.
Let us regard the days of the eid as an opportunity to put an end to conflicts and hard feelings between our brothers and sisters. Let us fully enjoy the peacefulness and brotherly climate of the eid.
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In the khutbah he delivered to his companions after performing the eid prayer, he gave the following good news to his ummah, “A human does no action from the actions on the day of nahr more beloved to Allah then spilling blood.
On the Day of Judgement, it will appear with its horns, and hair, and hooves, and indeed the blood will be accepted by Allah from where it is received before it even falls upon earth, so let your heart delight in it.
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Allah made it a fardh for people to act based on ikhsan, in other words to act nicely.
Then, whoever will sacrifice an animal should do it nicely
The Prophet Muhammad (saw)...
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Eid Mubarak