Muslims celebrates the Regaip Kandil with prayers, marking the beginning of the three holy months in the Islamic Hijri calendar. Regaip Kandil, or Laylat al-Ragha'ib in Arabic, commemorates the conception of the Prophet Muhammad.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak...
The night preceding the first Friday in the month of Rajab,
regarded as the anniversary of the conception of the Prophet Muhammad.
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May your Laylat al Raghaib be blessed! Thank God by faithin your hearts!
Regaip word abundance, fertility, morality means. God tonight?'s Grace is given plenty candle one night, and the night of the first three months.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak....
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Regaip is a holy night in Islam… It is the beginning of
three holy months ( Rajab, Shaban, Ramadan). Regaib Night is an indication that
the month of Ramadan is cominig..
Until the end of the scheme in opening the doors of mercy falls torrential downpour drenched wishes to you on a night like falling drops candle blessed.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak....
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Where in the life of the Prophet do you see him being carried away in the flow of a current that puts sectarianism, disposition, racism and ideology above Islam and kill innocent people in the process?
If I could have my voice heard to my Muslim brothers who believe in the same religion, the same book and the same Prophet as I do this is what I would like to ask them: Where in our book, where in our religion and where in the life of the Prophet do you see people being carried away in the flow of a current that puts sectarianism, disposition, racism and ideology above Islam and kill innocent people in the process, create enmities among people, to ruin the lands of Islam with oppression and wars, create victimhood and a notion of being oppressed, to transform the supreme truths of Islam to grab power and to opt for every possible way to reach a goal?
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...
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The night of Raghaib is a time to take an account of ourselves to be able to leave a better future and a livable world to the future generations…
The night of Raghaib is a time is a time to take an account of ourselves to be able to leave a better future and a livable world to the future generations and to sign off for our deeds that we will give an account for on the Day of Judgment as time and place will be a witness for everything.

The first night of the month of Rajab is called Laylatur-Raghaib. It is a blessed night. There are a lot of rewards for spending this night worshipping. According to narrations, the Messenger of Allah performed 12 rak'ahs of nafilah prayers on that night.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...
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As for the night of the first Friday of the month of Rajab or its first night, both known as the “Night of wishes” (laylat al-ragha'ib) during which is performed the salat al-ragha'ib.
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The Prophet, peace and mercy be upon him, said, “There are five nights in which du’a (supplication) is not rejected";
1. the eve of Rajab - Layla Ragha'ib-Night of Wishes
2. the 14th night of Sha’aban - Layla Bara'ah-Night Of Salvation
3. the eve of Friday, - Layla Jummah-Night of Friday Jummah
4-5. on the eve of Eid Al-Fitr, and on the eve of Eid Al-Adha.” Layla Jaiza - Night of Reward

“ It is most important, however, that none of you should neglect the First Friday in Rajab, for it is the night that the angels call the Night of [the Granting of] Wishes [Lailat ar-Ragha'ib]. This is because, by the time the first third of the night has elapsed, there will not be a single angel still at large in the heavens, nor in any region of the earth bar one. They will all be gathered together in the Ka'ba and the area immediately surrounding it. Allah (Exalted is He) will condescend to notice that they have assembled there, and He will say: "My angels, ask Me for whatever you wish!” Their response to this will be: “Our Lord, the request we wish to make is that You grant forgiveness to those who faithfully keep the fast in Rajab,” whereupon Allah (Exalted is He) will tell them: “That I have already done!”
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Then Allah’s Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:
“ No one will go unrewarded if he fasts during the daytime on Thursday, the first Thursday in Rajab.
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Allah’s Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) also said:
“ By Him in whose Hand is my soul [wa ‘lladhi nafsi bi-yadih], I assure you that no servant [of His], whether manservant ['abd] or maidservant [ama], will ever perform this particular salat-prayer without Allah forgiving all the sins of which that individual has ever been guilty, even if they are like the flecks of foam upon the ocean, as numerous as all the grains of sand, as heavy as the mountains, and as many as the drops of rain and the leaves on all the trees. On the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyama], he will be allowed to intercede on behalf of seven hundred members of his family.”

Believers pass all the days and months with the awareness of adoration and aiming to please and to get the consent of Allah. However, those days, known as the holy three months, is a season where spiritual enthusiasm is felt the most. Some nights in those three months are exceptional periods of time when enthusiasm turns into excitement and spiritual pleasure. This season, which is crowned with the month of Ramadan, ensures peace and prosperity message of Islam to be kept alive in minds of believers. Hearts, which are cleaned out from every kind of darkness, fulfill a social transformation with the unifying characteristics of faith, and carry out real fraternity and solidarity based on rights, laws and morals.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...
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Raghaib is to direct our wishes to Allah...
Raghaib means to desire and long for something, be inclined towards it and to endeavor in line with those ambitions. Laylat al-Raghaib is to direct our every kind of ambitions, wishes, aspirations and demands towards the good, right, beautiful, beneficial and truth. It is to direct our wishes to Allah and it is to make our endeavors in line with the consent of Allah.
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Let our wishes and requests be made only to Allah, to nobody else that every night can be Raghaib...

In that case, tonight let us eliminate ourselves from every kind of hatred, grudge and revenge feelings which darken the heart of a human being, so that our hearts can become tranquil. Let us enlighten our hearts with the divine light of faith, knowledge, wisdom and truth, so that our hearts can attain happiness. Let us strip ourselves off the selfishness and envy so that our spirit can attain maturity. Let us know ourselves, so that we can know the Almighty. Let our faith be correct that our deeds good that we can reach salvation. Let us renew our oath that agreements will be kept and thus we can be loyal to keep our promise to Allah. Let us keep ourselves aloof from discord, jealousy, grudge and hatred with the teachings of the Almighty. Let us be brothers with the gracefulness of Allah. Let us not sacrifice the blessings given to us by Allah to our weaknesses, so that we can be close to Allah. Let us not be unfair to and alienate orphans and help the stranded so that we can wish Allah's mercy to be always with us. Let us wish help only from Allah and shelter in him, so that the Almighty can protect us against stress, the calamity of our era, every kind of problems and difficulties of modern chaos.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...
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Let us clean out ourselves from every kind of devilish solicitude, mischief and instigation, so that the world can be improved. Let us direct ourselves to Allah that our hearts can be inclined towards him, and thus every kind of ambition will be kept aloof from us. Let us comprehend that we are temporary in this world, that our life can be built on generosity, justice, renunciation, and foresight. Let us make the morals of Koran as our guide, so that we can please Allah and the others. Let our wishes and requests be made only to Allah, to nobody else that every night can be Raghaib.
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Come let us destroy evil as much as we can and let us help goodness sovereign on earth…
Come let us destroy evil as much as we can. Let us eliminate racism and discrimination. Let us help righteousness, rule of law, justice, compassion, wisdom and virtues prevail so that we can live in peace, tranquility and happiness. Let us forgive, let us learn to forgive, let us be modest, let us defend each other and let us help goodness be sovereign in the world.
Laylat al Raghaib Mubarak!...
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I wish the climate of compassion, forgiveness and prosperity to spread in waves to all humanity starting from our country and lead to the true path, to peace and tranquility…
With these feelings I congratulate the Laylat al-Raghaib and the advent of the holy three months of our beloved nation, of our citizens living abroad and the Islamic world.
I wish the climate of compassion, forgiveness and prosperity to spread in waves to all humanity starting from our country and lead to the true path, to peace and tranquility.
I also wish the Almighty to accept our prayers on the nights, days and months to come.
The reward of him who offers this prayer (of Lailatul Raghaib) is that a great number of his sins are forgiven and that on the first night in the grave, Almighty Allah sends him the reward of this prayer in the form of a life form with happy mien and fluency to say to him, "Good tidings, you have escaped all hardships." The offerer of this prayer will then ask him about his character, saying "Who are you? Indeed I have never seen such good-looking face, and I have never heard such fluent words, and I have never smelled such nice Scent" He will be answered, " I am the reward of the prayer that you offered at so-and-so night in so-and-so month in so-and-so year at the town of so-and-so. I am here so as to settle your right, to entertain you in your loneliness, and to save you from this cheerless situation. When the trumpet shall be blown (declaring the Resurrection Day), I will cast a shadow over your head in the Resurrection Court. So, be happy, for you
shall never be deprived of goodness
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I wish you a happy Kandil and all the blessings of Almighty

Laylat al ragaib 18.02.2021 Thursday

Laylat al ragaib 18.02.2021 Thursday
ReplyDeleteفروشگاه اینترنتی برند سم با هدف معرفی و فروش تمامی سموم حیوانی و کشاورزی سموم حشرات از جمله
سم کشنده رتیل
با بهترین کیفیت و کمترین زمان آغاز به کار کرده است. برای آشنایی بیشتر باخدمات و محصولات ما می توانید از مشاوره رایگان ما بهره مند شوید. متخصصین برند سم با صبر و حوصله و تکیه بر دانش و تجربه خود مشکل شما را شناسایی کرده ومتناسب با نیاز و بودجه شما بهترین محصول را برای شما معرفی می کنند.هدف ما این است که با کمک به بهداشت عمومی در توسعه صنعت کشاورزی و نیز سلامت محیط زیست سهمی داشته باشیم.